Itxs been too long, I didnt get time to post anything OpenSource.
So here I am again with one simple class Database, to connect to MySQL in Java.
You can use this class in 2 ways x
- Specifying user,pwd and database name to connect
- Specifying connection ID and class will load rest of the variables from CONFIG file
Here I will post the Database class only, class to read config file and loading properties will be posted in different post.
The Database
import java.sql.*;
public class Database
Connection conn;
Statement stmt;
PreparedStatement pstmt;
ResultSet rs;
Config cfg;
int affectedRows;
/*Reading From CFG*/
String dbuser,dbpwd,dbname,dbserver;
public Database(){
public Database(String database, String user,String pwd)
this.affectedRows = 0;
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/"+database, user
, pwd);
stmt = conn.createStatement();
catch (Exception e){
public Database(String dbid)
cfg = new Config();
this.dbname = cfg.getProperty("mStrName"+dbid);
this.dbuser = cfg.getProperty("mStrUser"+dbid);
this.dbpwd = cfg.getProperty("mStrPwds"+dbid);
this.dbserver = cfg.getProperty("mStrHost"+dbid);
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/"+this.dbname, this.dbuser
, this.dbpwd);
stmt = conn.createStatement();
catch (Exception e){
public ResultSet query(String qry)
rs = this.stmt.executeQuery(qry);
}catch(SQLException se){
System.out.println("Error : " + se.getMessage());
return rs;
public int update(String qry)
int count = 0;
count = this.stmt.executeUpdate(qry);
}catch(Exception se){
System.out.println("Error : " + se.getMessage());
return count;
And here is how we are going to use this class:
Database db = new Database("mydb","myuser","mypwd");
//simple query
ResultSet rs = db.query("SELECT * FROM mytable");
Now you can traverse record rs set in a way you wantx
//update query
int affected = db.update("DELETE FROM mytable");
We will shortly see how we are going to use Config class and its usage.
So now yo have seen how its easy to connect to MySQL in Java. I hope you find this example useful and you can use in any of your assignment or project.