Java Structural Design Patterns – Bridge Pattern

Bridge Pattern is one of the structural design patterns. As the name of the pattern is BRIDGE , it divides one class in 2 parts i.e., Abstraction and Implementation and acts as a Bridge between them, so that each can be developed and modified independently.

We can say that Bridge pattern provides loose coupling between Abstraction and Implementation, in future both the classes can change without affecting each other and client code can use only the one part i.e. Abstraction part without being concerned about the second part i.e. Implementation part.

In your application if you observe below points then you can use Bridge Pattern.

  • abstraction and its implementation should be defined independently from each other
  • You don’t need compile-time binding between an abstraction and its implementation.

<Here are ALL Java Design Patterns, explained in detail with examples>

Bridge Pattern by Example

The pattern can be explained with the help of below components –

1. Abstraction (it’s a abstract class): It defined the abstract interface i.e. behaviour part. It also maintains the Implementer reference.

2. Refined Abstraction (it’s a normal class): It extends the interface defined by Abstraction.

3. Implementer (it’s an interface): Implementer defines the interface for implementation classes. This interface does not need to correspond directly to abstraction interface and can be very different. Abstraction provides an implementation in terms of operations provided by Implementer interface.

4. Concrete Implementer (it’s a normal class): It implements the Implementer interface.

As  an example we will try to implement some simple classes for Car Assembly. Here we’re producing and assembling the two different types of CAR using Bridge design pattern.

Following diagram shows the decoupling of Car and Workshop (bridge). You can make change in any of the class given below without interfering other class.


Bridge Pattern - Car Assembly

Lets define an abstract class Car –

After this we will add 2 concrete classes –


Below is the Implementer Interface

and Implementations

Running the example

Here is our demo client-



So this is all about Bridge Pattern, this pattern gives simple way to separate the abstraction and implementation which allows easy future extension and modification because this pattern removes dependency between abstraction and implementation.

Here are ALL other Java Design Patterns, explained in detail with examples

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